Performance of an employee is a key factor to ensure that the organization connects their mission with the work of employees. It is a crucial and powerful tool for any HR manager to make an impact in the organization. Now all the companies can earn strong competitive benefits through applying effective and efficient human resource practices. If the human resources are handled efficiently they can contribute to the success of the company. The effective management of human resources is done through the implementation of efficient HR practices. To assess performance of employees in a firm is one of the main purposes of employing human resource practices.
In this competitive environment of the modern era organizations are constantly improving performance of their employees by enhancing HR practices. Human resource policies and practices of an organization are significantly vital for determining behavior and insolence of employees. HR has many forms of continuation but human resource management practically in organizations is to utilize people and maintain employment relations.
But how can HR policies make an impact on employee performance?

Being mindful of individual circumstances when making decisions that affect the employee’s prospects, seniority or self-respect.

Organizational learning
A belief in the requirement to upgrade the learning and development of all the employees of the organization by giving the processes and support required.

Work-life balance
Attempting to deliver employment practices that allows people to balance their work and personal challenges.

Working conditions
Providing safe, healthy and so far as practicable blissful working conditions.

Equal opportunity
Equal opportunity is one major policy to implement in the organization. It is important to give equal opportunities to all, disregarding of sex, race, disability, creed, age or marital status. The policy must also deal with the level to which the organization wants to take ‘affirmative action’ to rectify differences between numbers employed as per the sex or race or to differences in the levels of qualifications and skills they have gained.

Relations policies
These policies undergo different factors of human relations like regarding motivation, communication, morale, leadership styles, disciplinary procedure, grievance procedure, employee counseling etc. Relations policies also include the areas of industrial relations like union recognition, collective bargaining, union representation, prevention and settlement of industrial disputes and participative management. With the aim to become effective they must be written on the basis of authentic information available from different sources.

Treating employees justly and fairly by using an even handed approach. This consists of protecting individuals from any unjust outcomes made by their managers, decisions equal opportunities for employment and promotion, and operating an equitable payment system. This helps to boost their confidence level and can help them perform well.

Performance through people
Delivering fair feedback to people on how well they are performing

Quality of working life
Intentionally and continuously focusing to enhance the quality of working life. This consists of increasing the sense of satisfaction people obtain from their work by, as far as possible, reducing boredom, increasing variety, autonomy and responsibility, and reduces people to undergo too much stress.

Specific policies
The specific policies should undergo these areas: managing diversity, equal opportunity, promotion, age and employment, work-life balance, reward, involvement and participation, employee relations, trendy technology, health and safety, employee development, sexual abuse, grievances, redundancy, discipline, bullying, smoking, substance abuse, AIDS, and e-mails.

Communicate the expectations
Communicate the expectations to the employees very clearly. As an HR person we have to coach the business heads so that they can communicate the expression performance reviews of employees very clearly to them. If the employees understand what is expected out of them, chances are that the exercise will be highly fruitful.

Development policies
These policies include the kind of employees to be trained, the extent of training programs, techniques, awarding and rewarding system, qualifications and experience of the trainer, supporting the employees for self-advancement, etc. development policies also include areas like performance appraisal, career planning and development, organizational change and organizational development.