Let’s not wait for the opportunity, Just step ahead and create it with HRvend.
We are here to board you to your dream destination virtually. At the heart of this transformation is technology alone. Boost up your virtual hiring process with HRvend. Let us help you to streamline your hiring process in your organization’s HR team. Workers whose talents are aligned with business goals is important to the success of an organization
Get your team on board and hire the exact fits for your company.
Our mission is to provide diverse, end-to-end hiring solutions for workplaces like corporate HRs, agencies and many more. With our hiring software, transform into an effortless work. Give us a chance to help you automate and simplify your complex HR processes and manage them without any human intervention.
Different services in one umbrella
We will let you soar into the future of work ahead. Our team is on a mission to open the windows of success for the people seeking jobs. We’re making technology to connect people and create better work experiences for everyone. More than 30 million people have registered on HR Vend. We are delivering upgraded career building platforms, classrooms and providing pre job training to our resources. Our enthusiastic training team is researching and providing innovative training and increasing camps to our resources that serve companies to low their investment in induction training. HRvend also has an app to access jobs easily from your mobile device.
Mold a career you love
Hrvend seeks best talent faster, tracks resumes and interviews proficiently. We never miss out on a great hire. HR has undergone great evolution over the past decade. It entails money to hire employees, and most companies recruit new staff regularly. Hrvend allows the HR department and hiring managers to set exact goals about what they’re looking for in applicants, so there are no misunderstandings. We simplify your everyday work and frees up managers to focus on bigger things. By this way you can build a strong foundation that is free of paper clutter, human errors, and inefficient processes.
We believe your business deserves better software
No more knocking on doors of the HR, join hands with HRvend
The best and brightest talents can be hired anytime

Identify jobs & analysis
Hrvend helps you to streamline your human resource department by adding an automated system to track all employee information. We help you to identify the job structure and give you a reminder on job vacancies. Hrvend makes it easy to sort out for vacant openings.

Job description
Of the many responsibilities, your most important job might be to find people who will be the right fit for your organization. Hrvend ensures to have a detailed description. Hrvend also focuses on employment verification, experience, background checks, Identity verification, education records etc.

Job posting
Hrvend aid you to increase visibility. We allow you to target your vacancies more easily and quickly and all the responses are received by Hrvend. All documents are secured, safe and frequently backed up.

Receiving application
HRvend makes the process simpler for you. We quickly configure and handle flexible job fields and apply forms in the hiring system

Hrvend screens candidates with on-demand video screening or questionnaires during the application process. The screening process might include a lot of elements

Interviews are always a main part of the job to the potential and skills of people. Hrvend quickly prioritized the best candidates for the interview. The interview scheduling of the candidate is automated.

Feedback analysis
We think before the wider world does. We give the opportunity to rate feedback. We provide a platform to talk about the experiences with us.

In this process we shortlist the most potential resources who are probably going on board for their jobs

When it comes to the selection process it’s important to be diverse and set expectations. We pick, interview and hire the right candidate.